"But there's freedom to be had..."
Video still from the documentary
"Mechanical Riverfront Kingdom"
video camera: Dave de Medicis
"Campground Moan"
Video still from the documentary
"Mechanical Riverfront Kingdom"
video camera: Dave de Medicis
"Faith in Industry" (Bearing the Burden)
Video still from the documentary
"Mechanical Riverfront Kingdom"
video camera: Jon Nelson
"Phineas Gage" (grace at the table...")
Video still from the documentary
"Mechanical Riverfront Kingdom"
video camera: Dane Premerano"
The Bateman 5000
Video still from the documentary
"Mechanical Riverfront Kingdom"
(2012)still image: Clark Ashton
(2002)video image: Phil Walker
The break room
Video still from the documentary
"Mechanical Riverfront Kingdom"
video camera: Dave de Medicis
Video still from the documentary
"Mechanical Riverfront Kingdom"
video camera: Clark Ashton
" speak further"
Video still from the documentary
"Mechanical Riverfront Kingdom"
video camera: Phil Walker
Furnace 40
Video still from the documentary
"Mechanical Riverfront Kingdom"
video camera: Dave de Medicis
Sculpture Stolen
Video still from the documentary
"Mechanical Riverfront Kingdom"
video camera: Dave de Medicis
table drawing "The SuperStructure"
Video still from the documentary
"Mechanical Riverfront Kingdom"
video camera: Phil Walker
raising "The SuperHoser"
Video still from the documentary
"Mechanical Riverfront Kingdom"
video camera: Phil Walker
"Faith in Industry" (Presiding over chaos)
Video still from the documentary
"Mechanical Riverfront Kingdom"
video camera: Jon Nelson
"The end is near"
Video still from the documentary
"Mechanical Riverfront Kingdom"
video camera: Dave de Medicis