History of The Commuter Gallery
The Commuter Gallery was established in 1989. Since then I have built hundreds of objects including: sky saws, control towers, vulture poles, superstructures, sperm skeletons, eelmen, and sky scratchers. Several times these independent works have coalesced into complete cosmologies rendering them inseparable from each other. Most importantly, I believe they have become a part of a larger scheme, reflecting the machinations and beliefs that configure human existence through daily life.
In this collection of work, the two most powerful conceptual forces in the history of human culture, God and Capitalism, are examined as they exert themselves on nationalistic tendencies. More broadly, these works examine the nature of faith, power, value systems, and systems of belief. They seek to stimulate the American consciousness through interaction with souls in transit on the mechanical river resulting in the proliferation of independent thought, and lead to the generation of positive new ideas directed towards the sustainability of the planet and a better world for its inhabitants.
The Commuter Gallery is my vision of an integrated world of life and art, which includes sound philosophical underpinnings and a commitment to create meaningful work of lasting value that will stand the test of time and provide insight and inspiration for many future generations. It is an effort to exist on my own terms as I search for meaning, order, and purpose while interacting with the community at large and interpreting contemporary society through visual art.
Clark Ashton